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 There is a wild and free running river of life force that is always available to you.

Bliss. Joy. Aliveness.  


Most of my journey had been one of suffering - anxiety, dissociation and shame were my speciality. I desired a reprieve from the self-loathing, and the support, love and a clear path  to come home to myself - the self BEYOND the trauma. To have a trusted guide walk me home back to my true self - the one who enjoys mental, emotional health and is also tapped into a magical reality of infinite possibilities, living with royal cat confidence. 



I deeply understand what you are going through in your journey AND I am here to walk beside you, holding the lantern of healing light and compassion. Helping you alchemize your shadow into pure, universal life force energy. Reminding you of your infinite possibilities. 

 To believe in myself

This is what I have found. With the right support, the right tools, the soul match guide, with love, acceptance and a sense of humor…you can find your way OUT of this stuck energy, trauma loop, and break FREE into who you always knew you were, beyond the map of scars.

Your true nature.

This is quantum healing. It  has the potential to change your life, just as it did for me. And for every soul who has taken this ceremonial journey with me. 

Book your complimentary Inner Alchemy call. This is an opportunity for us to connect and will help illuminate if your Soul is ready for this sacred journey. We will explore what option is best for you, go over exchange, your intentions and what will serve you best on your path at this time. Each call is a healing transmission of Reiki and empowerment. Working with me includes shadow alchemy, quantum healing, mentorship, spiritual counsel and Reiki energy medicine to go beyond the conscious mind, into the deeper layers of shadow and the subconscious. Ultimately aligning you with your unique light. This is a holy commitment to yourself and the moment you say yes, the energy starts to move and flow with you. Are you ready to receive? 

Expect miracles

Let me show you

Adrianna’s work is uniquely powerful and life shifting, and I say this as a counselor myself who offers and recieves a wide variety of powerful healing modalities. She is warm, resonant, real and present- a wise wild woman, a radiant radical being. The private sessions and Reiki initiation have reset my life in a profound way! Whenever I think of Adrianna, which I do daily, my heart is filled with love.

-  Angela W. 

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.

You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.

People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.

The door is round and open.
Don't go back to sleep.

~ Rumi

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